Langdon Equity Partners is an independent investment firm that is employee owned and solely focused on smaller companies. Founded in 2022 and based in Toronto, we are supported by Pinnacle Investment Management, who ensure that non-investment responsibilities are of the highest quality allowing our talented team of Investors to focus on what they enjoy most and do best, invest. All of this ensures we have the necessary stability, motivation and culture to enable the long term success of our team, our clients and our investments.

Our Mission

Strive to be the world’s top performing small cap investment boutique through delivering exceptional returns for our clients, while building longstanding partnerships with investors, companies, and each other.

Principles we live by

Time is more important than timing.

Compounding in Smaller Companies can be powerful. Our clients recognize results should be measured over years, not quarters.

We don’t get ahead by following.

Ours is a culture that requires and rewards creativity and independent thinking.

We are infinite learners.

What sets us apart is our insatiable curiosity and ability to get up the learning curve.

Our word is our bond.

When we make a commitment to a teammate, a company, a client, or someone in our network, we keep it.

Our Approach

We approach the public equity markets as a long-term owner of businesses. We are a patient, primary research-led investment firm, performing intensive due diligence on every investment idea pursued.


We seek to invest in high-quality cash generative smaller companies run by talented and long-term oriented teams that are fundamentally undervalued.

We Are Truly Global

The foundation of our investment approach is built on developing deep insights through fundamental research. Below is a summary of our investment diligence.

The foundation of our investment approach is built on developing deep insights through fundamental research. Below is a summary of our investment diligence.

meetings with




These statistics are sourced from Langdon’s own internal tracking logs and are relevant for the last 12 months
up to the most recent quarter end. All noted meetings were live and interactive.

These statistics are sourced from Langdon’s own internal tracking logs and are relevant from firm inception and updated to the most recent quarter end. All noted meetings were live and interactive.

Our Team

Greg Dean

Founder & Lead Investor

Alex Simotas


Isaac Bowman


Mansour Dia


Joel Hurren


Will Copley

Trading and Investment Analytics

Montana Mortimer

Investor Relations

Joe Rooney

Investor Relations

Langdon Founder & Lead Investor, Greg Dean provides a concise overview of the team’s investment approach and the opportunities Langdon are seeing in the current environment at the 2023 Pinnacle Summit.